We’ve returned from a month-long trip to the Philippines where we traveled to several islands to have face-to-face time with all of the staff and missionaries faithfully serving with First Love International. Our days were packed with many blessings and wonder; it’s difficult to know how much to edit and how much to share. 

It was beautiful to hug Alma and Elsie (sisters from the Ati tribe) who have faithfully served at the MASA Ati school since  its opening ten years ago. Though they have endured more hardships than we can ever imagine, the love of  Christ shines brightly as they serve the children with joy.

Returning to  MASA on the island of Panay, we were reminded that this was the place where God first moved in our hearts to become missionaries, and it’s encouraging to see the school thriving and growing.  While  we were there, some shared that they had  accepted Christ as their Savior.  The best news!

The MASA Ati School has over 200 children, and many are great athletes. They compete with other schools yet only had two balls to be shared among everyone in the school.  At the end of our chapel gathering it was  fun to throw out basketballs, soccer and dodge balls donated to the school that day.

Our son Jesse joined us for a few days of our trip, and it was wonderful having part our family there with us to experience first-hand the ministry and the people we love. 

Herlyn is one of our missionaries who leads our multiple feeding sites on Boracay. A passionate evangelist to children and their families, she shares the gospel boldly, and many have experienced changed lives. 

Being from a land of plenty there is the tendency toward ingratitude.  But in this little village, when at last the soup pot is opened, all the children run to their huts for their bowls and spoons.  It’s hard to remain unemotional when dirty little hands reach for a bowl of soup with grateful eyes and gently whisper, “thank you”. 

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  

After treating several of the children’s wounds, more and more stood in line waiting . . .   

                   waiting for a gesture of affection.

Although it’s difficult to admit, aren’t we all, at times, in need . . .

                                of A BANDAID

                                     A HUG?

God tells us  over and over to “love one another”

but in this world of self absorption it’s not easy to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

 So it starts with a bandaid . . .

                            continues with a hug . . .
                                             and ends with knowing  . .

we  have  The Comforter,

     our Heavenly Father who cleanses our wounds  . . . 

                     soothes us,

                                  wraps His presence around us. . . 

                                                        and never leaves us.

Isn’t that the greatest message to share with our neighbors, our families, friends and coworkers . . .

                                  and to the next generation?

Until we meet again —


— Please pray for wisdom and endurance as we continue our roles as Member Care counselors to our First Love missionaries and staff.

— Since 2020, there has been a decrease in monthly donations to First Love. We are praying for an increase in order to maintain and expand our existing ministries.

— We’re also raising funds to provide a van for food deliveries and the transportation of mission teams, teachers, missionaries and staff as public transportation has become more costly.


We celebrate the continued reports that children and adults are accepting Christ in their lives.

Because of your faithful giving we were able to restart our seminary level training programming in Boracay this month. This training provides seminary certification through Asian Theological Seminary. It has nearly doubled in size to 180 Filipino pastors and church leaders who traveled from six different islands for a three-day intensive.

The LORD bless you and keep you,

Steve & Susan