The psalmist David says in Psalm 17:8 “Protect me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings . . . .”
This courageous woman, Ritma, is one of our First Love missionaries who ministers as a seminary professor and also disguises herself as Muslin in Afghanistan, teaching women who are forbidden to receive an education. As widows with children who seek to escape the Taliban cross the border into Pakistan, Ritma and her team rescue and share the gospel of Jesus with them.
Grace is one of our team members who faithfully serves the Ati tribe in the Philippines. Leto, who has accepted Christ, is receiving medication that helps keep him alive. Grace and our team share the message of Jesus every week to this less fortunate tribe. A dangerous sect has tried to discourage them from sharing the gospel, but they continue to provide food, first aid and conduct services each week.
This is our fearless Rosa who is determined to remain in Ukraine to help feed, shelter and support hundreds of Ukrainians. Rosa has shared with us that many of the children have been raped while their widowed mothers are forced to watch such a tragic and horrific event.
Some of our other First Love missionaries are in a very dangerous area of Ukraine as well. Joe and Dasha’s story was recently telecast on CNN. While trying to get eight family members to refuge in Poland, their car was shot at 3 different times. Gratefully, no one was hit.
Some of you might feel you are caught in the shadows of loneliness, depression and fear. God promises us that even in this darkness, he hides us in the shadow of His wings. What a comfort to know that He sees you. Our Comforter says “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Please pray for these ladies who are faithfully serving:
Ritma – That God will continue to protect her efforts to educate the woman of Afghanistan.
Grace- As she helps spread the gospel to the various villages and feeds the hungry who have suffered because of income loss from tourism lockdowns. Pray for our two schools in Boracay and Panay as more teachers are needed.
Rosa- That more will contribute financially so she can continue her relief work and for all the people who have lost their homes and are in need of food, shelter, comfort and hope.
Our goal is to raise an additional 25K for relief efforts in Ukraine. If God lays on your heart to contribute we thank you. Blessings to all of you who have given in the past.